Certified clinical psychologist specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Why do I use cognitive behavioral psychotherapy?
Many in vogue psychotherapies have not been rigorously researched and offer no guarantee for an effective and evidence-based treatment. The same cannot be said of CBT, which is currently the most researched form of psychotherapy.
What made me choose to be a psychologist?
The answer is a combination of cultural, genetic and biological factors, events that took place in my development, of which I am most likely unaware. But I know that I was fascinated by the human mind when I was a child, after receiving a book with optical illusions at the age of five. Also later, when I needed a psychologist (yes, even psychologists are not perfect either and they have encountered problems 😉 ), I came across one that didn’t quite help me. But look how an event that at that moment I could have perceived as negative, had not been.
More about me
I started doing research in AI, I love espresso, science, lifting weights, brazilian jiu jitsu, science podcasts, travel and listening or reading books. I also have a French Bulldog, his name is Blackberry (Mură).
P.S. Psychotherapy is not just about getting well and being the person you were before, it is also about improving, getting better and increasing your well-being.
Bachelor of Science – BS, AI
Artificial Intelligence & Sustainable Technologies
Master of Science – MS, Clinical psychology and short-term therapeutic interventions (2 years)
Clinical psychology and Psychotherapy
Training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (2.4 years)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Endorsed by the College of Psychologists in Romania
Clinical Psychology and Psychological Expertise – (2 years)
Clinical Psychology and Psychological Expertise, Endorsed by the College of Psychologists in Romania
Master of Science – MS, Psychology of Human Resources (2 years)
Organizational psychology
Bachelor of Science – BS, Psychology (3 years)
Essentials of CBT: The Beck Approach (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)– BECK INSTITUTE
CBT for Anxiety (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) – BECK INSTITUTE
CBT for Depression (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) – BECK INSTITUTE
DBT Skills (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) – Marsha Linehan
Motivational Interviewing – William Miller, Stephen Rollnick & Theresa Moyer
ACT for beginners (Acceptance and commitment therapy) – Russ Harris